


  • 18000+ full-text scholarly journals, 杂志, 论文, 报纸, 报告, 护理培训视频
  • 主题包括商业, 心理学, 健康, 护理, 历史, 科学技术, 艺术, 文学, 和语言


选择 专文 to search thousands of multidisciplinary full text journals and 报纸.  

MLA International Bibliography with Full Text

From the Modern Language Association (MLA) and EBSCO, this resource combines an extensive collection of 789 full-text journals for the study and teaching of language, 文学, 语言学, 修辞, 写作研究, 民间传说, 电影, 剧院, 以及其他戏剧艺术.


  • Contains 684 core journals in humanities and social sciences including economics, 历史, 政治科学, 社会学, 生态, 数学, 和统计数据
  • All journals are scholarly, most are peer-reviewed
  • 重要的是: 选择 高级搜索 在旁边的方框里打勾 Include only content I can access.

Science Direct: 健康 and 生命科学 Collection

  • Over 1,100 scientific journals
  • 健康科学 include 医学, dentistry, 护理, and veterinary science & 医学
  • 生命科学 includes  biology, biochemistry, environmental science, microbiology, and neuroscience
  • 重要的是: 点击 高级搜索 并检查 订阅期刊 下 优化搜索.


  • Thousands of full-text 文章 from academic journals
  • Offers essential content covering important issues related to race in society today. 论文, 文章, 报告 and other reliable sources provide an in-depth look at the 历史 of race and provide critical context for learning more about topics associated with race, 种族, 多样性和包容性, 和土著社区.


新闻文章 涵盖政府事务, 政治, 社会问题, 文化, 文献发现, 发明, 还有成百上千的 主要来源.  一旦连接到页面, you can choose to search “America’s Historical Newspapers (1690 – 2000)”, “世界新闻通”, or “Access World News – Historical and Current”. Descriptions for each product are given when you go to the page.

APA PsycNet

Access APA (American Psychological Association) Psyc文章 through their search platform called APA PsycNet.  APA Psyc文章 gives full-text access to content from 119 APA-published and affiliated journals.